Saturday, August 16, 2014

13 Fun Facts - August

Well I had planned on having this month’s fun facts list up and ready to go on Swift Day, but I ended up spending a week in the hospital and have been recovering ever since. Thanks for sticking around through all of the late posts. I love you and I appreciate it. Here are this month’s 13 fun facts:

1. When she is online she will instantly leave a page if she sees her name on it

2. In the 8th grade, Taylor and her classmates did a commercial for a restaurant called “Paco’s Paradise”

3. Taylor mostly reads while she’s on tour

4. She thinks of herself as the only person in the world who hasn’t read “Fifty Shades of Grey”

5. The tights Taylor wore on the RED Tour were bedazzled with little rhinestones

6. Her first tweet in 2012 was her 1,213 tweet

7. The reason she doesn’t wear a lot of pink is because she feels people view her as a “ditzy blonde” when she does

8. She never entered into any “American Idol” type competitions because her parents thought they were tacky

9. Scott and Andrea originally wanted 3 children, but after Taylor and Austin they decided 2 was enough

10. If she was driving cross country and could only bring 1 cd with her, Taylor would choose Pyromania by Def Leppard

11. Taylor thinks Austin is more talented than she is

12. She loves bags that look like briefcases

13. Taylor will be hosting a livestream via Yahoo on August 18, 2014 at 5pm EST where she will presumably announce the title of album 5 and the new single

The quote of the month is, “Just be yourself; there is no one better.”

How true is that? There is no one on this earth better than you and no one who is better at being you than you. I think we should all work on loving ourselves and embracing our quirks just like Taylor has. We are all unique and different, but that is something that should be celebrated not feared.

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